Writing Scoop: What Should I Look For In a College?

Despite the horrific times we are experiencing because of the pandemic that we are living through, many high school juniors are eagerly and courageously looking towards their futures and will be applying to colleges in the coming months.  Here are several considerations for juniors that can be addressed from home with the help of a computer:

1.  Location, location, location!  It is very important to decide WHERE you would like to be for your college experience.
If you hate the cold, perhaps northern states are not for you.  Perhaps you love big cities: look for metropolitan colleges.

2.  School size.  If you are looking for a big "Rah, Rah" college, maybe the smaller colleges should not be considered.  Perhaps you wants a cozy, small environment: look at colleges with fewer students.

3.  Population.  Looking for diversity?  Select a school that offers a global campus community.  Want to go to college with friends from high school, get together to look at mutually acceptable schools.

4.  Cost for many is a considerable factor.  See if the colleges you are interested in offer grants or scholarships.  Investigate state schools, which are often less expensive than private colleges.

5.  Take virtual tours of all schools on your list.  Almost every college in the United States has a website.  Frequently these sites have tours.  Also, look at courses offered in your area of interest as well: the websites should have a list if majors.

Scoop: Many colleges offer similar majors.  Unless you are seeking a highly specialized course of study, such as fashion design, aeronautics, ship design, aerospace engineering, pharmacology, architecture (undergraduate) or other major that is not usually available everywhere, look at colleges where you'd like to be for 4 years, with people who will become friends! 

Remember: The college years are some of the best years of your life!  Pick a college that will promote personal & intellectual growth. 

Enjoy your college search!   
